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Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Treasure is Mine

Pirates have fought over you. Men have rushed to the west for you. Proud Olympian's wear you around their necks. Leprechauns protect you at the end of a rainbow. You've graced the heads of many kings and queen's. You've graced the teeth of many-a-rapper. You are edible.You are gold. You are a treasure.

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6: 9-21

This month's theme for Christian Writers is 'Pursuit' and I cannot help but think of pirate's pursuit of treasure. If only thieves and those who covet badly take these verses to heart. People can be so protective of their things. There are gates around buildings and who can forget the great wall of China? But things in this world will die out. Everything we have is temporary. We should pursue a life for the Lord. After all, he's done so much for us and deserves our effort. Treasure will await us in heaven as a reward. Being with Christ is our reward! If you trust the Lord as your savior your life in heaven is eternal. Your blingy-bling will not go with you when you die. The house you worked so hard for, the shiny new rims you've worked hard to get. Guess what? Means nada in the end. Will you pursue the Lord? What do you consider as treasure?

Ever wonder what it feels like to be gold? I've got an idea, why don't you try this? Place your right hand on your left shoulder. (Yes, seriously!) Now place your left hand on your right shoulder. Now squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze. You are God's precious treasure. As undeserving of it as we are. The Lord gave his life for us, he loves us. He pursues us to no end. 

So while we let these guys enjoy their gold...

...let my life be the proof of your love and let me store up treasures in heaven.

For King and Country : Proof of Your Love

Burlap to Cashmere : Treasures in Heaven

The theme for the month of June for the Christian Writers blog chain was'Pursuit'. Tune in for July's blog! The theme is 'Celebrate'. The new list is on the right.


  1. super post to end the June pursuit chain
    biiiiig hug

    1. thank you! This month was full of great posts on Pursuit!

  2. Call me old fashioned, but a mouth full of gold teeth isn't exactly attractive. I've heard of people having a diamond glued to their teeth, too. It brings the saying 'put your money where your mouth is' to a whole other level! In any case, thanks for the great reminder to store up the right kind of treasure, where moth and rust can't destory.

    1. I don't see what the attraction is to a mouth full of gold either. It's pretty disturbing if you ask me! Thanks for your comment!

  3. Great slant on this topic, Suzette! And an important message inside. :-)

  4. Thanks, Suzette - good thoughts and reminders that the things of this earth aren't supposed to be our main pursuits.

  5. My mother said she new a women who had a mouthful of gold teeth and was so embarassed by them she would always cover her mouth with her hand when she laughed. Tracy's right, they relate to another era. Fun post. Peace and Blessings.

  6. I loved this post, Suzette! Thank you for the hug!

  7. Good post, Suzette! I always want to be in sole pursuit of the treasure of the Lord! Hugs to you in return!

  8. Excellent post, Suzette! Chasing gold - what a waste of time and energy. Chasing God - that's a pursuit worth following.

  9. Suzette, I enjoyed this post. I love the line, "...let my life be the proof of your love ..." Those two audio tracks were a very nice touch. Thank you!


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